Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend Files: The Wedding Ahoot

On Saturday, I shot the first wedding that I've done in a few months. The day was a bit nerve racking, but it really came together nicely. I logged almost 1500 shots in nearly 10 hours of shooting. It was a very high count, but impressive considering the challenges of the day.

We start out with the fact that the groom was 25 minutes late dressing, then not all the right people were there for the formals at the start. Then, by being late, we missed our dry window and the rain began to fall. This was not looking good. The ceremony had already been moved from the gorgeous outdoor setting to a catastrophic indoor one. Black room against bright outdoor light is never fun, and frankly horrible to shoot, but that's what I was given.

The ceremony was a challenge, but I flashed up and made it through with some good shots. The group shots then finished out the early afternoon and it was off to a stellar reception. The DJ was phenomenal, though I thought it strange they didn't play period music for their 20's theme while dinner was served, but she was still fantastic.

The dancing, events and fun went smooth as silk throughout the afternoon and as the day ran a few minutes longer, we headed out to Moon Mansion in North Bend for a few last shots. The day ended great with the short drive home and a flip through the images.

I was super happy with the results, and can't wait to get to the cut down and edits. I'll post a link here soon when I get then done if anyone wants to see them.

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