Friday, July 5, 2013

The Tuesday Night Disaster

Tuesday night was a rough one for us. The evening started off as normal as possible, but quickly turned ugly as our toilet backed up and started to flood the bathroom. I grabbed the plunger, as a simple plug is usually the cause of such behavior, but it did nothing to help the situation.

Ara quickly jumped on the phone to maintenance as I controlled the spread of the water and contained it in the bathroom. Maintenance was very quick to arrive, but was just performing the same tasks that didn't work for me a few minutes earlier. He went for an auger and some reinforcements when the call came that our neighbor was suffering from the same fate, but worse.

We took Evie over to the pool to get out of the apartment for a bit. While she was swimming, I tossed some chicken on the grill for community group on Wednesday and as it got closer to dinner, I added some hot dogs as well. As we got closer to eating, some answers started coming in.

They eventually figured out that the main was plugged and it was just the ground floor that was affected. The city rolled in one of their monster pumper trucks to take care of that, but it wasn't until close to 9:30 that night that water was restored. Of course, there was no notice that it was fixed, so it was a bit later than that before we actually were able to use it.

Overall, they did a nice job of getting the problem taken care of, but their followup ended our experience with frustration. That plus even 4 days later, their wet towels are still sitting outside our door. They were so close, yet so far away on this one. Maybe next time they will meet our wants on something like this

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